Category : Horticulture

For the Record: Garden Note-Taking Made Easy

I garden in public places, and I want interested gardeners to have access to the plant names, so I always place the plant tags in the gardens. Unfortunately, the tags

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Attracting Hummingbirds to the Garden

If you plant them, they will come—the hummingbirds that is. One of the most frequently asked garden question is: How do I attract more hummingbirds to my garden? You may

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Watering the Summer Garden

Watering in the summer months can be time-consuming and expensive. We have a few tips to help you manage this crucial garden chore. Garden Beds Mulch – Key to conserving

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Adding Structure to the Garden

Thoughtfully placed structures, trees and shrubs have a big impact on the overall look and feel of your garden. Knowing where to add these elements simply requires a slow walk

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Plan, Plant and Grow an Invisible Edible Garden

There are many edibles that can be added to an ornamental garden without decreasing the beauty of the landscape. Amaranth and quinoa are lovely, tall flowering plants that are grown

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