Stormwater Pollution
Did you know that stormwater pollution is the greatest source of water quality impairments in the Clinton River and its tributaries? In more densely developed areas, where there is a large percentage of impervious surface (rooftops, roads, sidewalks, lawns, etc.), the effects of stormwater pollution are particularly evident.
When it rains, water falls on impervious surfaces and picks up pollutants such as dirt, oils, grease, pesticides, fertilizers, and pet waste. These pollutants are carried by runoff to our drainage systems and eventually end up in our waterways. Stormwater and the pollutants it carries causes erosion, sedimentation, algae blooms, high bacteria counts, and other water quality impacts. This has a detrimental impact on aquatic habitat for fish and insects, threatens public health and recreation, and spoils the beauty of our rivers and streams.
The Clinton River Watershed Council offers one-on-one technical assistance on a variety of watershed management issues, including site visits and landscape plan reviews. They welcome our questions and calls.